Private guide in Aleppo, guided tours in Aleppo, Syria

Language: Arabic
Currency: Syrian pound (SYP)
Information about Aleppo
Aleppo is located 75 miles from the Mediterranean Sea and it’s the largest city in Syria and the capitol of the Aleppo Governorate. Farmlands raising livestock and cultivating olive and pistachio trees line the city on the north and west side while the Syrian Desert begins on the east. It is said to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the entire world possibly beginning as early as the 6th millennium.
Ranking among the leading cities of the Middle East, Aleppo has economic, cultural and political reins. Sunni Muslims and Christians represent the majority of the townspeople. Siestas are taken daily which is beneficial as the night life in Aleppo is very active. Foreigners should dress conservatively when visiting, head scarves are not required unless you are entering a mosque.
There are multiple souqs or open-air markets in Aleppo where you can purchase gold, silver, fabric, clothing, soap and souvenirs. The Bimaristan Arghan is a museum that once was a mental hospital, it’s now a popular tourist attraction. The Great Mosque is one of many mosques in the area but it’s the biggest and most decorated. Research before visiting Aleppo as unrest within the country has deemed it to be an unsafe place for travel at this time.
Private Guide in Aleppo - Amer
(Member Since 2010) Excursions/tous in the following cities: Aleppo Languages: French, English, ArabicI started m work experience as owner for a small factory in Aleppo between 1990 and 2003 then i had the opportunity to be a branch manager for a leading worldwide express Company DHL in Aleppo and I served...