China in Wintertime: An Amazing Wonderland
There are many sites in China that offer superb exquisiteness and have climates with mild weather throughout the year. This enables a spectrum of activities during the winter in addition to the other seasons. Wintertime is considered the “low season” because of fewer tourists. Furthermore, lodging accommodations and airline flights are generally less expensive. China's low season starts in November and concludes in March. The Forbidden City is a fantastic landmark that should not be overlooked and the Essence of China Tour is a “must” for travelers, as well.
Winter is the driest time of the year in China, especially in the northern region. Beijing typically has cold, dry, long winters that begin in November and run into March. Since lakes, canals, and fountains are usually frozen, ice-skating is highly prevalent in Beijing's parks. Bicycles specifically intended to be ridden on the ice are enjoyed here, too. Winter travelers in China are increasingly electing to visit China's ski slopes and ski resorts are mainly concentrated in Northeast China and the region around Beijing. Portions of the Great Wall stay open to tourists during the wintertime. Many people happily climb the Great Wall in order to take in the awe-inspiring winter landscape absent of the multitude of crowds. Harbin, known as “Ice City,” hosts an ice and snow festival which is unquestionably Harbin's most famed attraction. It is held in Zhaolin Park each winter in January and February. At this time the entire park is transformed into a realm of ice sculptures and lanterns where breathtakingly, gorgeous ice sculptures in amazing shapes gleam brightly. Sun Island holds a snow sculpture exposition and is the setting of the biggest indoor ice and snow art museum.
Hong Kong holds Western Christmas celebrations. Each year at Christmas in Hong Kong skyscrapers are adorned with Christmas lights while extravagant displays are fashioned in shops and other locations. Chinese New Year celebrations occur towards the latter part of January up until March. These festivities incorporate the bell-striking ceremony at Longhua temple, fireworks presentations, and the lantern parade. China in wintertime is truly a land of wonderment.
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