Anuar - Private Guide in Kuala Lumpur
At the moment Private Guide Anuar do not offer private guide services on our site. However, you can choose another private guide here (at the top of this page).
Languages: English
My name is Anuar, I'm 33 years old and I'm located in Kuala Lumpir.
My 13 years experience in service industry and tourism gave me an oppurtunity to know what is expected by my guest when they visit Malaysia.
As freelance tour guide, my packages are more flexible especially time, price and itinerary. This indeed add value to your money. With me you will get the right price for the right package to meet your need.
Private guide in Kuala Lumpur.My objective is to maximise your vacation is Malaysia.
You will have ample time and information when visiting the places in your itinerary. Take as much time as you want to explore at no additional cost for the extra hours you spent. For instance if you viosit Putrajaya Lake, why don't you experience the lake cruise. Normaly, a tour company will not include it as it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete the cruise.
Get the best deal on IT product, money changer, souvenier, toys, clothes and others, just name it. I will bring you to the place that offer best deal. My packages have no time limit, therefore more quality time to spend during your vacation. Stop worrying about being cheated, lost or frustration for not able to find the places you want to go or missed any major events.
Guide in Kuala Lumpur.My packages give you oppurtunity to mix with local people, get to know what are they normal breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Have your meal at the locals favourite spots and test your level of tolerance with our local delicacies such as nasi lemak, mee bandung, mee curry, satay or try our King of fruit, Durian. Learn our culture and languages. Bring back sweet memory that you can share with your family, friends and colleagues.
Pamper yourself during your holiday, spend quality time and enjoy every moments you have in our wonderful country, malaysia.
Look forward to see you soon
Terima Kasih
(Thank you)
At the moment Private Guide Anuar do not offer private guide services on our site. However, you can choose another private guide here (at the top of this page).
Latest Customer's Opinions:
hallo mr.anuar, thanks for nice, confort en fantastic tour with u in KL, I found friendly private tour with Asian hospitality taste..with u I know tour in Malaysia is easy, cheap, en adventure...we go to twins tower, putrajaya, petali street, masjid india, en shopping all aroun mall in Kuala Lumpur...nice