Spectaculer two day tour
We were on a Black Sea cruise that ufortunately had to skip the major ports of the Ukraine alowing us an overnight in Constanta. We took advantage of the extra day by arranging a tour from the ship through the country side with a stop at the Peles Castle in Sinaia and on to an overnight in Bucharest at the Berthelot hotel followed by a walking tour of Bucharest the following morning. On to the Palace of Parliament. the open air Village Museum and other sights of Bucharest.
We stayed busy touring the whole time and had the opportunity to try traditional Romanian food for two lunches and one supper. Our guide Gelu was very intelligent and was able to answer all our questions as well a provide an excellent narrative on the tour. We only wished we had more time because this is a beautiful area of the world.
This tour was the highlight of our 12 day cruise.
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