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Private Guide in Kuala Lumpur

Noor - Private Guide in Kuala Lumpur

 Member Since 2006 

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Fire fly night tour

Excursion in Kuala Lumpur

Languages: English


In Malaysia there are two area that you can see fire flies. In this trip you can see the wounders of nature when fire flies light up the night with light shows that will dazzle and take your breath away.

Tour in Kuala Lumpur.
Map of Malaysia

About Malaysia

Indians had been visiting Malaysia for over 2,000 years, but did not settle en masse until the 19th century. Most came from South India, fleeing a poor economy. Arriving in Malaysia, many worked as rubber tappers, while others built the infrastructure or worked as administrators and small businessmen. Today ten percent of Malaysia is Indian. Their culture -- with it's exquisite Hindu temples, cuisine, and colorful garments -- is visible throughout the land.

The oldest inhabitants of Malaysia are its tribal peoples. Excursion with private guide in Kuala Lumpur. They account for about 5 percent of the total population, and represent a majority in Sarawak and Sabah. Though Malaysia's tribal people prefer to be categorized by their individual tribes, peninsular Malaysia blankets them under the term Orang Asli, or "Original People." In Sarawak, the dominant tribal groups are the Dayak, who typically live in longhouses and are either Iban (Sea Dayak) or Bidayuh (land Dayak). In Sabah, most tribes fall under the term Kadazan. All of Malaysia's tribal people generally share a strong spiritual tie to the rain forest.

Additional information

Tour information:
Languages: English
Tour package includes:
Airport Transfer :NO
Hotel pick-up:NO
Drop-off :NO
Tour Transportation (car, van, limo, boat, etc…):NO
Food and Drinks :NO
Other services (fees apply):
Attraction tickets (concerts, theater, museum, circus...) :NO
Translation services :NO
Reservations (hotels, restaurants, airline) :NO
Visa support :NO
Additional information:
This tour must be booked at least 7 days in advance of your travel date :NO
Tour groups must include a minimum of 2 passengers :NO
Tour prices are flexible and based on your requirements :NO

At the moment Private Guide Noor do not offer private guide services on our site. However, you can choose another private guide here (at the top of this page).
