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10 pieces of advice for parents flying with a toddler

Travelling with toddlers is challenging indeed! You need to give your full attention to your child and get prepared properly for the flight. Take note of our tips on how to make your journey with a toddler less stressful both for you and for your lovely baby. 

1. Use any kind of baby-carriers

Baby-carrier is one of the most essential things in a mother’s closet. Nowadays there are various kinds of baby carriers of good quality. By means of a baby carrier you can strap your baby on-the-back or in-the-front carrier and thus free your hands. 

2. Dress your baby for convenience

If you wish to make your flight convenient you should dress your child in the same manner. In such a way your toddler will feel comfortable and you’ll handle him/her freely. Travelling is not the time to show off with your kid’s expensive apparels. 

3. Keep your kid stress free

Imagine how hard it is for a child to be in a long journey! He’s out of his comfort zone and travelling might be stressful indeed. If it’s not too crowded in the terminal you can have a walk with your baby. Try to keep him free as much as possible. 

4. There’s no better distraction than a game

In case your flight is delayed, don’t get frustrated. On the contrary, take your time to play with your baby; it will be a good distraction for both of you. Time flies when you’re busy so next thing you know is you should hurry up for boarding. 

5. Don’t forget your baby’s birth certificate

If your child is below two year you should always have a certificate with you. Don’t forget it while packing for the journey.

6. Take some new toys

Your baby will be thrilled by this surprise! Children like having new toys and if you give your baby something new during a long and exhausting journey, the toy will keep him busy for some time. Pack the toy and when the right time comes, give it to your child.

7. Don’t forget to take a pillow

Even if you are not used to travelling with your personal pillow, you should know that your child might need it. If you want your kid to have a sound sleep, better bring a pillow for him. If should be soft and soothing and your child won’t have a problem falling asleep. 

8. Book your flight at bed time

It’s much better if your baby is sleeping during the whole journey. This way he won’t disturb neither you nor other passengers. Besides that sound sleep will keep your baby stress free, which the main priority for a good mother. 

9. Keep your baby close to yourself

When you are crossing the border or you are at the airport you have to pass through lots of steps like passport control, security check and so on. But your child is too small to understand what this procedure is for so he may slip out of your hand and create chaos at the airport. So keep an eye on your baby!

10. Get prepared for landing

As soon as the landing is announced (usually it is announced beforehand) you should start getting ready with your kids. You might need to change their diapers or something like that, so do it before the landing.  

Flying with a toddlerFlying with kids


Article author: Dana Ellis

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