Private guide in Hunza, guided tours in Hunza, Pakistan

Language: English
Currency: Pakistani rupee (PKR)
Information about Hunza
Hunza is a mountainous valley in the Gilgit–Baltistan area of Pakistan that often has heavy snow during the winter. It was formerly a princely state that lasted until 1974 when it was ultimately disbanded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.
Baltit is a renowned tourist spot due to the spectacular scenery of the extremely tall and magnificent neighboring mountains such as Rakaposhi, Bojahagur Duanasir II, Ghenta Peak, Hunza Peak, Passu Peak, Diran Peak and Bublimotin. Duikar is a charming settlement situated above the village of Altit. A key attraction of Duikar is the gorgeous view particularly during sunrise and sunset. Hosht offers an awesome sight of the Ultar Mountains as well as the Hopper glacier. Karimabad, the capital of Hunza, provides a breathtaking view of Rakaposhi, where the snows of Rakaposhi sparkle beneath the moon.
The castle of Baltit is a Hunza point of interest constructed many years ago that guests often visit. For trekkers who enjoy challenging the outdoors, Hunza is terrific for hiking and mountain climbing. If vacationers are partial to shopping, this is the perfect place. Karimabad is the chief bazaar of Hunza that is packed with lively shops that sell local dry fruits, including apricots, almonds, and walnuts.
Nearby to this bazaar is Village of Baltit and Baltit Fort which have been restored by the Aga Khan Fund for Culture & Heritage. The fort has been moved into a guided museum allowing patrons to visit various areas of the fort. Hunza is a wonderful location worth visiting.
Travel Agency in Hunza - Hunza
(Member Since 2011) Languages: English, Urdu, Wakhi, Chinese, French, Spanish, JapaneseDear traveler, we feel great to present Pakistan as your next destination. What started as an effort of a single man in small office in Hunza a back in 1998 has expended into an organization dedicated in promotion of Tourism in Pakistan.